Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Fatty Liver Matters

Please tell me you already knew this.

People with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a condition that often accompanies obesity and type 2 diabetes, have higher mortality rates than the general population, a new Swedish study found.

Patients with NAFLD were 69% percent more likely to die than the general Swedish population (standardized mortality ratio 1.69, 95% CI 1.24 to 2.25), according to a report in the February issue of Hepatology.

Patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a condition where fat buildup causes liver inflammation, were at 86% higher risk (95% CI 1.19 to 2.76; P=0.007).

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Sunday, October 17, 2010

Vitamin E Beneficial to patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver

A new study (PIVENS?trial) indicated that patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver might benefits?from natural form of vitamin E (800 IU/day), but not from pioglitazone?(Actos).??

Nonalcoholic fatty liver or Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) currently affects about 4% of the American population and there is no approved therapy.? About 15% of patients with NASH progress to cirrhosis and patients with NASH experience fatty liver disease, insulin resistance, and obesity.

The new study is a multicenter?trial involving 247 nondiabetic adults with biopsy-proven NASH. Patients were allocated to the following 3 arms:?

80 patients to the insulin-sensitizer?pioglitazone?(Actos) (30 mg once daily)84 patients to vitamin E (800 IU/day)83 patients to placebo?

After 96 weeks, patients in the vitamin E therapy arm was associated with a significantly higher rate of improvement in NASH when compared with placebo (43% vs 19%; P = .001; number needed to treat, 4.2).

However, the difference in the rate of NASH improvement with pioglitazone?compared with placebo did not reach the prespecified 0.025 level of significance (34% vs. 19%; P?= .04; number needed to treat, 6.9).? Even though the pioglitazone?arm did not reach the statistical endpoint, pioglitazone still improve the histology in half of the NASH patients.?

Despite the positive results, the investigator, Dr. Harrison, still emphasized the importance of treating the causes (obesity, prediabetes and frank diabetes).?

In addition to prescribing vitamin E 800 IU/day, Dr. Harrison still aims to reduce patient’s weight (ideally 10% reduction) with diet and exercise up front.? Only in patients who are not able to lose the weight and with advanced disease will he then consider prescribing pioglitazone.

Published online in the April 28, 2010 issue of ?N Engl J Med.

Please visit us at healthreason.com for more health related articles.

Filed under: Fatty Liver | Tagged: vitamin E, Fatty Liver, pioglitazone, Actos, NASH

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Strong Silent Type

June 16, 2010 by gethealthywithme

Well silent I am not , but who knows what my liver might be thinking. The liver is the workhorse in our bodies, it filters out all the toxins we put in via drugs, alcohol, chemicals in processed foods and even the air we breathe…it all stops at the liver first.

If our liver is working well it will get rid of those toxins and the rest of your organs will be handed less work to do and everything inside us is happy!!

However when the liver starts to fail, it will not scream and yell at you, it will keep working to the best of its abilities , it won’t clean out as many toxins , but heck your other organs can handle them! They have had it easy for so many years…thanks to your liver.

Other charities get lots of funding from drug companies, not the liver foundation…the reason for that is pretty clear from my perspective. Drugs don’t help the liver in general. The liver needs to be treated with tender loving care by its owner, its really the only way to lessen the work and allow it to heal itself.? So why would drug companies throw money behind a charity that it can’t count on making money from!

The other huge problem for the Liver Foundation is the general public’s view of liver disease. We associate liver issues with someone who is an alcoholic, drug addict, tattoo parloured partier who is always having unprotected sex!

As long as we are NOT that person….we should be fine right! WRONG so completely wrong, but until your liver is badly damaged it will not complain…picture it as Donkey in winnie the pooh….just trudging along through life hoping someone will notice him!

I am involved in 2 different charity events for the liver foundation in the Toronto area this weekend and I hope you will stop by and show your support!

Friday I will be at Union Station for the morning rush hour and the afternoon rush collecting money for The Canadian Liver Foundation and again on Father’s day at Boston Pizza in Brampton at 410 and Steeles. Bring your dad for lunch and help a great cause with me!

for my daughters sake and for someone you love who doesn’t yet know they have liver disease!


Michelle Clermont

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It's Liver-Lover, Boy!

In November 2009, I was diagnosed with hypertension stage 2; fatty liver and gallbladder polyp vs. cholesterolosis. I was sent home twice by our company doctor due to a blood pressure of around 180/120. I had abdominal ultrasound, lipid profile and other blood tests. My cardiologist also ordered an ECG just to rule out any heart ailment.

The results are shocking. My SGPT, SGOT and cholesterol levels are on high levels (but not high enough to suspect hep, I suppose). My gastro reassured me that despite the numbers, there’s nothing to worry about. He gave me Combizar, Norvasc and Lipanthyl and asked me to stay on medication until he tells me to stop, if ever he does.

Then in January 2010, I repeated the ultrasound and the blood chem. The SGPT and SGOT levels dropped a bit. Then about yesterday, I decided to repeat the tests. The levels dropped but my SGPT is still about twice the maximum level.

Our doctor said it’s okay as long as the numbers do not show an increase of 3 or 4 times. My blood pressure seems to be under control already.

About 4 hours from now, I am about to have another ultrasound test and I am really praying hard for the results to be favorable. I hope that there is nothing irreversibly wrong with my health.

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Why Alternative Medicine is Finally Becoming a More Used and Accepted Practice in the US

When most Americans think of medicine they think of visiting the family doctor when they are sick and then sometimes being prescribed a medicine for whatever is making them sick . This is changing and the medicinal benefits from Eastern therapies are now being used more widely in this country. holistic nutrition and therapies , acupuncture, massage therapy, vegetarian and vegan diets and taking Garden of Life Perfect supplements are all things that people are trying to live a healthier life.

Because traditional doctors have been giving antibiotics for so long to their patients when they get ill , they have become essentially ineffective to many people and are proving to not help at all due to the immunity to the medicine that many have built up . Due to this and the emerging presence of alternative practices popping up all over in addition to being supported by some traditional doctors, people are considering it to help them to feel better.

Eastern influenced therapies have been around for thousands of years, much longer than Western medicine but due to the fact that it is different to many westerners they are scared to try it. Acupuncture has been a long time effective method in eliminating severe allergies in patients and now a lot of people that used to have to have weekly allergy shots and take a lot of medicine that left them groggy are now free and clear of lifetime allergies after many acupuncture sessions. The needles are very tiny and can not be felt when administered and often acupressure is used in younger patients instead of the needles to reach the pressure points.

Massage therapy is a additional alternative therapy to acupressure and one that is becoming more accepted as a wonderful healing option . Many people are now becoming aware that massage is not just a pampering spa treatment but one that can relieve a variety of ailments like headaches, fatigue, back pain, and sleep disorders. A regular Swedish massage also helps patients suffering from illnesses like multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and other neurological ailments .

Holistic treatments and vitamins have also gained acceptance throughout America and are not only being favored by naturalists but also by Western doctors too . They have witnessed with the resistance that a lot of their patients are experiencing to antibiotics that many times the holistic alternatives are the treatment and the cure that they need. The Western States are farther along in their acceptance and use of all of these alternatives than the East, South and Midwest but it is slowly making its way across the United States and hopefully it will continue to be practiced and accepted as people realize it is a valid treatment and not some kind of hocus pocus .

Changes in what you eat are also becoming another part of holistic wellness. Many naturalists now know that a diet full of fruits and vegetables is a much healthier way to live and one that eliminates processed foods will help you avoid getting sick as often .


Tags: acupuncture, alternative medicine, alternative practices, Eastern influenced therapies, holistic, live a healthier life, massage therapy

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Vitamin E and Fatty Liver

Treating Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver: Pioglitazone or Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is superior to placebo in treating nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, according to a New England Journal of Medicine study. Pioglitazone, although showing some efficacy, did not achieve statistically significant results.

Researchers, pursuing earlier findings that thiazolidinediones and antioxidants can lead to improvements in fatty liver, randomized some 250 nondiabetic patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis to 2 years’ treatment with either pioglitazone, vitamin E, or placebo. Improved histologic findings were the study’s primary outcome.

Liver biopsies showed that vitamin E recipients had a higher rate of improvement than those on placebo (43% vs. 19%). The improvement among pioglitazone recipients versus placebo did not reach statistical significance (34% vs. 19%). Both treatments reduced alanine and aspartate aminotransferase levels significantly from baseline values.

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Why You Want To Make Your Liver Your New Best Friend

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. It is the largest internal organ and weighs about 1,5 kilos (3-4 pounds). It lies directly underneath the diaphragm, underneath the right ribcage.

What is the liver supposed to do in your body?

The liver has many tasks to complete, and is working hard to keep your systems balanced. The main functions are:

1. Your liver secretes almost 1 litre of bile every day.

Let’s start to talk about the importance of secretion of bile. Your body needs a lot of bile on a daily basis to be able to stay healthy. Basically, almost all health problems are a direct or indirect consequence of reduced bile availability. Bile is a bitter, alkaline fluid of a yellow, brown, or green colour. It is produced by the liver, but is stored and concentrated in the gallbladder.

The bile has multiple functions:

Assisting with the digestion of fat, calcium, and protein foods.Maintaining normal fat levels in the blood,Removing toxins from the liver,Maintaining proper acid/alkaline balance in the intestinal tract.Helping colon from breeding harmful microbes.

2. Your liver stores your blood.

A second function of the liver is to store the blood. During periods of activity the blood travels to your extremities so that you can move. When you are resting the blood goes to the liver where your blood is processed and purified.

However, if your liver is stagnant and not able to store the blood properly your extremities will not be nourished, and toxins might be released through the skin.

To help your liver cleanse your blood, I recommend that you don’t eat too much, and that your last meal is in the afternoon. By avoiding late meals you will allow your liver and gallbladder time to prepare for regeneration, which is most efficient between 11pm and 3am.

3. Your liver detoxifies your cells.

Many poisonous substances enter the blood. They then circulate to the liver, where they can be transformed into non-toxic substances. A common example is alcohol. As soon as you drink alcohol it will enter your bloodstream, and go to your liver for detoxification. Without a functioning liver all of the toxins would accumulate and cause serious problems to your health.

4. Your liver helps metabolism in your body.

Your liver plays a major role in breaking down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

5. Your liver stores several substances, such as: iron, vitamins A, B12, and D.

Both vitamins and minerals play a huge part in your well being. However, they are only beneficial when taken in the proper amounts and ratios. For you to make best use of these vitamins and minerals your liver has the ability to store some for later use.

Bear in mind that your liver can only store fat-soluble vitamins, so all the water-soluble vitamins must still be supplied in your diet on a regular basis. (For example Vitamin C)

6. Your liver destroys old blood cells.

Red blood cells usually live for about 3 months. They then often break apart as they age, and the liver helps to ingest and destroy these blood cells, which helps keep your blood clean.

7. Your liver is in charge of your body’s planning.

The liver is said to be the “planner” in your body, and the gallbladder is the “decision maker”. This means that your ability to organise, plan and make decisions is related to the well being of these organs.

Is this how it works for most people?

Unfortunately not.

The liver is probably the most congested of all organs today. The way we eat, drink and constantly stress causes our livers to always work over time.

Our livers are usually victims for many kinds of excesses – the most common one being excess of food. As a society we eat way too much, especially rich and greasy food. This makes the liver swollen and sluggish. It just doesn’t have enough time to process everything we put into our body. The liver becomes tired and fatty, and the energy stagnates in the liver instead of being properly distributed around the body.

If the liver never rests from a state of congestion, neither does the kidneys, and eventually even the kidneys functions will weaken. A fatty liver also affects the blood, the pancreas, and the stomach. In other words, a weak liver can cause ulcers, abdominal inflammations, diabetes, gas and indigestion in general. Finally, most cases of heart disease are related to liver stagnation.

In fact, the origin of most diseases can easily be traced to the liver.

Did you know that your liver has a close relationship with your emotions?

One of the first signs of a stagnant liver is difficulty in dealing with anger. A sluggish liver can be expressed by anger, impatience, frustration, violence, rudeness, arrogance, stubbornness, aggression and an explosive personality. All of these emotions can cause depression. Mood swings in general are usually related to the liver.

Having too many desires can also stimulate a person to over-eat, or to just make inappropriate choices regarding food. It can be desires for sex, fame, power, or money. But these desires can take over your life and can blind your judgement. Desires like these aren’t healthy and can greatly damage your liver function. I’m not implying that you shouldn’t have dreams and goals. Not at all. But your dreams should come from your heart. Greed and power, on the contrary, are just based on insecurities.

Unresolved emotional issues are actually stored physically in the liver. Imagine what this can do to your health. Releasing emotional blockages, and letting go, releases the energy in the liver. This is why it is so important to express your feelings. Carrying something around with you will cause serious issues to your liver after only 2 years. Just know that those feelings you carry around don’t do you any good. You don’t need them for anything.

Just let go.

So how does this affect you?

Your? liver actually has direct control over the growth and functioning of every cell in your body. Any kind of malfunction, deficiency, or abnormal growth pattern of the cell is largely due to poor liver performance. Think about this for a second.

What does that really mean? It means that if you strive to look after your liver, and give your liver everything it needs to function properly, you have a much higher chance to get well again, or to avoid diseases coming into your life.

Are you suffering from any of the common symptoms of a weak liver?

Difficulties with planningNervousnessTimidityLack of courage and initiativeHeadachesRepressed angerEmotional outburstsDepressionMoodinessFeeling emotionally overwhelmed and over-sensitiveUpset digestionAllergiesNauseaVomitingTirednessDry skinMuscular weakness and spasmsPins and needlesDry and brittle nailsPoor sleepPre menstrual tensionPeriod pain

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All you need to know about the Liver Cleanse

Why liver cleanse? “Fatty Liver” affects more than 50% of people over the age of 50 (healingdaily.com). Poor diet, excessive alcohol intake, viral hepatitis and reactions to toxic chemicals are a few of the causes. Tina Drucker, decided to test the cleanse. Stay tuned for her updates this week…

How to cleanse your liver:

1)??? Choose a day like Saturday for the cleanse, since you will be able to rest the next day.

2)??? Don’t take medicines, vitamins, or pills that you can do without (they can prevent success).

3)??? Eat a low-fat breakfast and lunch such as cooked cereal with fruit, fruit juice, bread, baked potato or other vegetables with salt only.? This allows the bile to build up and develop pressure in the liver.? Higher pressure pushes our more stones.

4)??? 2:00 PM – Do not eat or drink after 2:00.? If you break the rule you could feel quite ill later.? You may add 1/8 teaspoon vitamin C powder to the Epsom salt mixtures below to improve the taste.? Don’t deviate from the schedule below by more than 10 minutes.

5)??? Every hour, starting at 5:00 PM (i.e. 5:00, 6:00, 7:00, act.) until you have diarrhea – Drink ? cup cold water with 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt.?

6)??? 9:45 PM – Be ready for bed, make one last trip to the bathroom.? Combine ? to ? cup of freshly squeezed pink grapefruit juice and ? olive oil in a jar.? Close the jar tightly with the lid and shake hard until watery (only fresh grapefruit juice does this).

7)????10:00 PM – Drink grapefruit juice and olive oil mixture.? You may take 4-8 Ornithine with the first sip of the mixture to help you sleep.? Ornithine (L-Ornithine) can be found at a health food store.? Then lie down in your bed immediately.? The sooner you lie down the more stones you will get out.? Lie down flat on your back with your head high on the pillow, perfectly still for at least 20 minutes.? Try to think about what is happening in the liver.? You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles.? There is no pain because the bile duct valves are open (thanks to the Epsom salt).? Go to sleep.? You may fail to get stones out if you don’t.

8)????After 6:00 AM the next morning – Drink ? cup cold water with 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt.? If you have indigestion or nausea wait until it is gone before drinking mixture.? You may go back to bed.

9)????2 hours later – Drink ? cup cold water with 1 tablespoon of Epsom salt.? You may go back to bed.

10)? 2 more hours later – Drink fruit juice.

11)? ? hour later – Eat fruit.

12)? 1 hour later – You may eat regular food but keep it light.? By supper you should feel recovered.

Expect diarrhea in the morning consisting of green pea looking balls (cholesterol) and tan looking chalk (crystals) floating in the toilet.? You may repeat cleanses in two week intervals.? Never cleanse when you are ill.? The author cleansed 5-6 times then once every 6 months for life.?? He recommends eliminating most meats, especially red meat, fast food and fried foods totally.?? But consuming more fruits, fruit juices and vegetable juicing.

Tags: healthy cleanse, Fatty Liver, healthy detox, natural detox, liver cleanse

This entry was posted on June 14, 2010 at 3:43 pm and is filed under Fatty Liver, Healthy detox, Liver cleanse, healthy cleanse, natural detox. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

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Fatty Liver Disease - what you need to know

April 21, 2010 by gethealthywithme

Fatty Liver disease is something my daughter was diagnosed with at the age of 11. In the 2 years since she has had the disease I have learned a lot. Unfortunately I have learned NOTHING from doctors. They do not understand this disease and they basically pat the patient on the head and tell them to lose weight and exercise and everything will? be ok. My daughter has tried and has not been successful and I now know that is because when your liver is not functioning correctly nothing internally is functioning right.

I am now driven to start a movement regarding this disease. Education of the general population is key. We think of sick livers being caused by alcohol or sharing dirty needles, we do not think of it associated to the ice cream cone we enjoyed at baskin robbins!

This disease has been diagnosed in children as young as 4, that is very scary, my 13 year old has a chronic illness and that is scary! These are CHILDREN, chronic illness is for the middle aged folks, the elderly even!! If its showing up in our kids our world is in serious trouble and we need to change things NOW!!

Feed your children organic foods, fresh fruits , fresh veggies, get your meat from a butcher , go back to basics please! No more convenience foods filled with chemicals…if you don’t understand what is on the side of the label why are you eating it!

I have approached the Canadian Liver Foundation about starting a sister foundation dedicated to Fatty Liver disease. I truly believe this will be as big as diabetes in the next 20 years and that a lot of us have it already without major symptoms. Once the major symptoms are showing up , you have damaged your liver and your goal is to prevent further deterioration! The next time you have a blood test ask to have your AST and ALT? levels checked, even if you are skinny on the outside you may be fat on the inside, so do not take it for granted that this is only a disease of the obese!

The sooner you find out about the condition of the liver , the easier it is to resolve with diet and exercise.

Hugs….and nope did not get that job from last week …but may have found my calling instead!

See my support group in facebook to understand this even further!



Posted in Megan's Health Battle, fatty liver, gethealthywithmichelle, weight loss | Tagged toxins, nutrition, lifestyle, nafld, fatty liver, nash | Leave a Comment

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Fatty Liver Matters

Please tell me you already knew this.

People with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), a condition that often accompanies obesity and type 2 diabetes, have higher mortality rates than the general population, a new Swedish study found.

Patients with NAFLD were 69% percent more likely to die than the general Swedish population (standardized mortality ratio 1.69, 95% CI 1.24 to 2.25), according to a report in the February issue of Hepatology.

Patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a condition where fat buildup causes liver inflammation, were at 86% higher risk (95% CI 1.19 to 2.76; P=0.007).

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Vitamin E and Fatty Liver

Treating Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver: Pioglitazone or Vitamin E?

Vitamin E is superior to placebo in treating nonalcoholic steatohepatitis, according to a New England Journal of Medicine study. Pioglitazone, although showing some efficacy, did not achieve statistically significant results.

Researchers, pursuing earlier findings that thiazolidinediones and antioxidants can lead to improvements in fatty liver, randomized some 250 nondiabetic patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis to 2 years’ treatment with either pioglitazone, vitamin E, or placebo. Improved histologic findings were the study’s primary outcome.

Liver biopsies showed that vitamin E recipients had a higher rate of improvement than those on placebo (43% vs. 19%). The improvement among pioglitazone recipients versus placebo did not reach statistical significance (34% vs. 19%). Both treatments reduced alanine and aspartate aminotransferase levels significantly from baseline values.

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Why You Want To Make Your Liver Your New Best Friend

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The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. It is the largest internal organ and weighs about 1,5 kilos (3-4 pounds). It lies directly underneath the diaphragm, underneath the right ribcage.

What is the liver supposed to do in your body?

The liver has many tasks to complete, and is working hard to keep your systems balanced. The main functions are:

1. Your liver secretes almost 1 litre of bile every day.

Let’s start to talk about the importance of secretion of bile. Your body needs a lot of bile on a daily basis to be able to stay healthy. Basically, almost all health problems are a direct or indirect consequence of reduced bile availability. Bile is a bitter, alkaline fluid of a yellow, brown, or green colour. It is produced by the liver, but is stored and concentrated in the gallbladder.

The bile has multiple functions:

Assisting with the digestion of fat, calcium, and protein foods.Maintaining normal fat levels in the blood,Removing toxins from the liver,Maintaining proper acid/alkaline balance in the intestinal tract.Helping colon from breeding harmful microbes.

2. Your liver stores your blood.

A second function of the liver is to store the blood. During periods of activity the blood travels to your extremities so that you can move. When you are resting the blood goes to the liver where your blood is processed and purified.

However, if your liver is stagnant and not able to store the blood properly your extremities will not be nourished, and toxins might be released through the skin.

To help your liver cleanse your blood, I recommend that you don’t eat too much, and that your last meal is in the afternoon. By avoiding late meals you will allow your liver and gallbladder time to prepare for regeneration, which is most efficient between 11pm and 3am.

3. Your liver detoxifies your cells.

Many poisonous substances enter the blood. They then circulate to the liver, where they can be transformed into non-toxic substances. A common example is alcohol. As soon as you drink alcohol it will enter your bloodstream, and go to your liver for detoxification. Without a functioning liver all of the toxins would accumulate and cause serious problems to your health.

4. Your liver helps metabolism in your body.

Your liver plays a major role in breaking down proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

5. Your liver stores several substances, such as: iron, vitamins A, B12, and D.

Both vitamins and minerals play a huge part in your well being. However, they are only beneficial when taken in the proper amounts and ratios. For you to make best use of these vitamins and minerals your liver has the ability to store some for later use.

Bear in mind that your liver can only store fat-soluble vitamins, so all the water-soluble vitamins must still be supplied in your diet on a regular basis. (For example Vitamin C)

6. Your liver destroys old blood cells.

Red blood cells usually live for about 3 months. They then often break apart as they age, and the liver helps to ingest and destroy these blood cells, which helps keep your blood clean.

7. Your liver is in charge of your body’s planning.

The liver is said to be the “planner” in your body, and the gallbladder is the “decision maker”. This means that your ability to organise, plan and make decisions is related to the well being of these organs.

Is this how it works for most people?

Unfortunately not.

The liver is probably the most congested of all organs today. The way we eat, drink and constantly stress causes our livers to always work over time.

Our livers are usually victims for many kinds of excesses – the most common one being excess of food. As a society we eat way too much, especially rich and greasy food. This makes the liver swollen and sluggish. It just doesn’t have enough time to process everything we put into our body. The liver becomes tired and fatty, and the energy stagnates in the liver instead of being properly distributed around the body.

If the liver never rests from a state of congestion, neither does the kidneys, and eventually even the kidneys functions will weaken. A fatty liver also affects the blood, the pancreas, and the stomach. In other words, a weak liver can cause ulcers, abdominal inflammations, diabetes, gas and indigestion in general. Finally, most cases of heart disease are related to liver stagnation.

In fact, the origin of most diseases can easily be traced to the liver.

Did you know that your liver has a close relationship with your emotions?

One of the first signs of a stagnant liver is difficulty in dealing with anger. A sluggish liver can be expressed by anger, impatience, frustration, violence, rudeness, arrogance, stubbornness, aggression and an explosive personality. All of these emotions can cause depression. Mood swings in general are usually related to the liver.

Having too many desires can also stimulate a person to over-eat, or to just make inappropriate choices regarding food. It can be desires for sex, fame, power, or money. But these desires can take over your life and can blind your judgement. Desires like these aren’t healthy and can greatly damage your liver function. I’m not implying that you shouldn’t have dreams and goals. Not at all. But your dreams should come from your heart. Greed and power, on the contrary, are just based on insecurities.

Unresolved emotional issues are actually stored physically in the liver. Imagine what this can do to your health. Releasing emotional blockages, and letting go, releases the energy in the liver. This is why it is so important to express your feelings. Carrying something around with you will cause serious issues to your liver after only 2 years. Just know that those feelings you carry around don’t do you any good. You don’t need them for anything.

Just let go.

So how does this affect you?

Your? liver actually has direct control over the growth and functioning of every cell in your body. Any kind of malfunction, deficiency, or abnormal growth pattern of the cell is largely due to poor liver performance. Think about this for a second.

What does that really mean? It means that if you strive to look after your liver, and give your liver everything it needs to function properly, you have a much higher chance to get well again, or to avoid diseases coming into your life.

Are you suffering from any of the common symptoms of a weak liver?

Difficulties with planningNervousnessTimidityLack of courage and initiativeHeadachesRepressed angerEmotional outburstsDepressionMoodinessFeeling emotionally overwhelmed and over-sensitiveUpset digestionAllergiesNauseaVomitingTirednessDry skinMuscular weakness and spasmsPins and needlesDry and brittle nailsPoor sleepPre menstrual tensionPeriod pain

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Dr. Sandra Cabot - Free Seminar / Phoenix, Arizona

Sandra Cabot MD

Hello, my name is Dr Sandra Cabot. Many of you will know me from my famous book, titled "The Liver Cleansing Diet" which literally shot to fame like a shining meteorite during 1997. It made me a household name in Australian kitchens, and brought liver consciousness to hundreds of thousands of people in a short space of time. People from all walks of life and in many different states of health embraced this new and simple way of eating with a passion, that surprised me as well as many others.

There are thousands of diet books on the market and yet this one was different because it concentrated on just one bodily organ, namely the liver, which everyone seemed to relate to, because everyone has a liver. Perhaps its success related to the fact that when one improves the liver function through simple dietary habits it is possible to achieve many health benefits, especially weight control and internal cleansing of the body. It was incredible because everyone seemed to be having a love affair with his or her liver. People who had struggled for years with excessive weight and/or chronic health problems found that the liver was the missing part in the jig-saw puzzle to achieve good health.

From that point, word of mouth took over and successful followers of my liver friendly way of eating told others to follow the Liver-Cleansing-Diet and watched with interest to see its results. This produced a wave of social and economic effects. Australia sold out of linseeds (flaxseeds) and for a while they had to be imported; health food stores had to knock down walls to create more space and the health food industry enjoyed a resurgence in the production and sales of liver cleansing foods. I became known as the "Liver Doctor" which was interesting as my background had been in the area of women's health and hormone replacement therapy. My face became well known, so much so that I would find myself recognized in far-away and remote places.

I well remember being in a public toilet at 5am in the morning, at a place called Three Ways, on the highway between Alice Springs and Darwin in northern Australia where I was instantly and warmly welcomed by a woman who had been successful on my Liver-Cleansing-Diet. She enthusiastically told me how much weight she had lost and how much she enjoyed my media appearances. Yes, one of the benefits of being a successful author is that one has a ready-made network of friends all over the world.

There has been the occasional person who did not understand my theories on the liver, and in particular one reader thought it was impossible to cleanse the liver, believing that this was unscientific! However, it is vitally important to cleanse the liver regularly because, like any filter, it can become overloaded and blocked with excessive waste products. Just think about what happens if you do not cleanse the filters in your kitchen sink, lawn mower, pool-pump or car engine. It would be easy if you could remove your liver everyday and give it a good wash with soap and water! This is obviously not possible, so we need to come up with a more practical solution. I have found that an effective way to cleanse the liver filter is by eating certain foods and using natural supplements and liver tonics. These nutrients include anti-oxidants, essential fatty acids, essential amino acids, enzymes, natural antibiotics and plant substances (phytonutrients). These nutrients also exert an anti-cancer effect and help the immune system.

This website will provide a wealth of information, advice and recommendations on how you can improve your liver function using powerful nutritional strategies. For some of you this will be literally life saving, for others it will allow you to improve your health, regain physical and mental energy and regain your zest for life!

Love Your Liver & Live Longer!

From our founder and health guru Dr Sandra Cabot, making sure that all that knowledge is presented in a coherent and easy to understand manner, here is?her super team of people who want to teach you about good health and how to maintain it for the rest of your life. If you have a question relating to your health or have a problem that's not addressed on this website, why not send us an e-mail.

Christine Ki is Dr Sandra Cabot's natural therapist in Phoenix Arizona. She is available by telephone from Dr Cabot's Health Advisory Service.?Christine will educate you about the hidden causes of weight excess, how to have a healthy liver, hormonal imbalances and much more. Christine is inspiring, fun and full of abundance; she will have plenty of time to answer all your questions.

To keep up-to-date with Dr Cabot's worldwide travel schedule or to book or organize a seminar, please email christine@scbintl.com or CONTACT US

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